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Track of the Week #37 - Will Butler - Anna

Arcade Fire bassist and keys enthusiast Will Butler released his new track, 'Anna', last week, but due to the phenemonel release of Spector's 'All The Sad Young Men', we had to postpone its awardance of our prestigious 'Track of the Week' title until this week. Though, this is not undermining 'Anna's' credibility.

Will Butler - Policy

This new one from the Canadian is a groove enfuelled and funk engulfed track that was made to be heard on dance floors alike around the World. It's a piece of music that anyone can enjoy, engineered with that well-known charisma of Butler that nobody can slate. It's something that upon listening, you sense was made for Will. It was not inspired by anything other than his mind. It's a personal piece of music, that only people who understand Will's take on life will get. Though, due to it being engineered in that undoubtedly crazy mind of Will's, that is why it's also for everyone. Will Butler is a real person of the industry, like all the members of Arcade Fire who appreciate where their fans have taken them. If you're not a lover of any music at all, then this song isn't for you. If you like music, you've found yourself your new groove. Or simply, you might just not like it. But we love it.

Will Butler European Tour Dates

Will Butler is set to embark on a tour following the release of his debut solo album, 'Policy', released on the 10th March. Butler will tour the US as well as visiting European shores, playing Manchester, Glasgow, Birmingham and London whilst in the UK. Tickets can be bought here.

RIFFED's Rating: 9/10

Listen to 'Anna' and watch its video via Youtube:

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