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Track of the Week #46 & 47 - Spector - Bad Boyfriend

Spector unveiled their latest track, 'Bad Boyfriend', last week. Premiered on BBC Radio 1, the track maintains the theme of relationship struggles that Fred Macpherson and co have set in motion over their past few releases.

Bad Boyfriend

As per 'Don't Make Me Try' and 'All The Sad Young Men', 'Bad Boyfriend' isn't the loud, boisterous and in your face Spector that we fell in love with back in 2012, but it's still got something about it. It's a much more mature sound that the four-piece have been grinding out in the studio of late, creating well-nurtured and more groomed pieces of music. Spector seem to have thrown the youthful, indie euphoria out of the window and have opted for a more calm approach. Whether it's for you, is for you decide. I for one feel few of the tracks on the forthcoming album will never reach a 'Spector: Greatest Hits' record, but that doesn't mean they aren't going to be worth a listen.

'Bad Boyfriend' is a slow burner, but still at times it manages to pick up the pace and grab your attention. It's a gloomy track, in a pleasant setting. As Fred vocalises in a reminiscent manner throughout; Jed, Danny and Thomas create a lighter tune, offering a contrast of mood. It's a fresh, well-structed and smooth piece of music. Production wise, it's a masterpiece. I just wish Spector would travel back in time a little, as good as 'All The Sad Young Men' and 'Bad Boyfriend' are, I'll be hoping to discover a few more 'Chevy Thunder' and 'Celestine'-like tracks on the album. Despite my groans, I do like this track and it is certainly worth 3 minutes and 4 seconds of your time, trust me.

RIFFED's Rating: 7/10

Listen to 'Bad Boyfriend' via Youtube:

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