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Track of the Week #54 & 55 - Foals - What Went Down

Foals returned this week with their new single, 'What Went Down'. Premiered as Annie Mac's 'Hottest Record In The World', the title track from the bands forthcoming album sent noticable shockwaves throughout the industry, signifying the bands intent to become one of the best.

Foals - What Went Down

It's explosive, described by themselves as a track on the "hunt", 'What Went Down' riproars its way through five minutes of intensifying rock n'roll. It's an 'Inhaler' category track, but with a lot more vengeance. Imagine Arcade Fire's 'Power Out' crossed with the latter, and you picture a monster of a track don't you. That's just what 'What Went Down' is, an absolute beast. When Foals hit the road come the end of this year or the start of the next, this track is undoubtedly going to be the highlight of the set. If the recorded version sounds this good, who knows what to expect from one of the UK's finest live acts. If Yannis and co. continue to real out these kind of tracks and the album follows suit, we may well be looking at our new big festival headliners. The future is looking blindingly bright for Foals, and 'What Went Down' is only just the beginning'.

RIFFED's Rating: 10/10

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